3 Things You Need To Know About Blogging And Copyright Infringement

Many people enjoy writing and publishing blog posts. If you are planning to turn your blog into a business, it's important that you are familiar with the copyright laws that apply to the use of images on your blog. Here are three things you need to know about blogging and copyright infringement to ensure that you don't find yourself in the middle of a lawsuit in the future. 1. An image doesn't have to be identical to be infringing on someone else's copyrights.

3 Things You Shouldn't Do When You're Fighting for Child Custody

If you are currently in the process of fighting for child custody, you might feel as if you are fighting one of the most important fights of your life. You might be willing to do just about anything to get custody of your little ones, but it's important for you to remember a few simple things first. These are three incredibly common things that people do while fighting for child custody, but it is important for you to avoid them.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy And The IRS: Key Considerations

Whether to file for bankruptcy underChapter 7 is not an easy decision and owing taxes to the Internal Revenue Service makes things even more complicated. It's often hard for the average person to understand how the bankruptcy laws operate in regards to taxes and the IRS. This article examines some of the key considerations involved.   Income Taxes   Income taxes are generally dischargeable under Chapter 7 as long as three main conditions are met. The first condition is that 3 years must have passed between the bankruptcy filing and the time that the taxes were due.

Can A Chapter 13 Filing Prevent The Sale Of A Repossessed Car?

Depending on the circumstances, if you are filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy and your car has been repossessed, there is a slight chance that you might be able to get the car back. There is a possibility that the court could intervene and have your car returned. If you car has been repossessed, here is what you need to know.  What Happens When You File for Bankruptcy? When you file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the court issues an automatic stay.

Prenuptial Agreements: How To Broach The Subject

The idea of a prenuptial agreement is distasteful, or even frightening, to many couples. While the primary purpose a prenup is to protect yourself and your assets in the event of divorce, it doesn't necessarily mean you expect the marriage to end. All it means is that you are prepared for a worst case scenario, so if the end does come it won't have to be all about money. In other words, you love the other person so much right now that you want to save them the heartache and the headaches of financial bickering if the marriage doesn't work out.